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The ability to produce monoclonal antibodies on a commercial scale has made targeted therapy possible on a broad scale and caused the development of patient centric therapies.

To continue the progress of biologic researchers we created the mAb Purification Bundle to make our most innovative products for monoclonal antibody purification easily available for trial.

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Advances in the delivery of viral vectors and the increased efficacy of these therapies has stimulated significant interest in the development of products related to gene therapy. Still, viral vector production is complex and scale-up especially challenging.

For a better, faster way to vector discovery we’ve put together a Virus Purification Bundle to give researchers to trial our resins designed to meet a variety of viral purification needs.

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Plasma therapies are not interchangeable and have been categorized as sole-source biologic products because no generics or substitutes exist.

Our Plasma Purification Bundle is designed to give researchers access to resins designed to more quickly define a process for plasma products with complex and unique biochemical profiles in order to create life changing therapies.

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Plasmid DNA has grown to be a significant therapeutic modality. Plasmids can be used as the starting material for viral vector therapies but also for DNA or mRNA based vaccines, which play in important role in the global vaccine industry.

Chromatography is the workhorse for purification capable of removing residual impurities and undesirable plasmid isoforms.

We created the pDNA Purification Bundle to make our innovative products easily available for you to test chromatography membranes as well as resins as two core technologies providing different benefits for your purification trials.

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